英語論文: two-way ANOVA の結果の書き方
- 概要: Two-way ANOVA の結果の書き方
概要: 「Two-way ANOVA の結果の書き方
Two-way ANOVA では、2 つの要素 factor の作用の有無およびそれらの間の交互作用の有無が統計的に検証されることになる。
まずは、英語論文: 統計に関連した表現の文例集 にも載せた例。
絶食と再給餌がアメリカゴキブリ Periplaneta americana の細胞分裂に及ぼす影響を調べた論文。腸 midgut が短くなるという結果を示した部分を抜粋。飢餓で死ぬまでに 6 週間もかかるらしい。残差は載せていない。 For the length of the midgut, two-way ANOVA showed a statistical difference in condition (fed and the starved) (d.f.=1, 216, F=89.862, p<0.0001), but not between weeks (1, 2, 3, and 4th week) (d.f.=3, 216, F=1.650, p=0.1789). No interaction was detected between feeding condition and week (d.f.=3,216, F=1.016, p=0.3867). |
何種類かの薬を投与 Treatment) ラットを使って、5 日間連続して行動実験を行い (Days)、その結果に対して two-way ANOVA をかけている。対応のある検定にしなければならないような気がするが、とりあえずそこは考えないことにする。
The results of two-way ANOVA were as follows: |
自由度および残差を F の下付きにするケース。
Measurements of mPFC thickness did not reveal any effect of training (two-way ANOVA, F1,13 = 0. 56, p = 0.5), lesion (F1,13 = 0.42, p = 0.5), or the training-lesion interaction (F1,13 = 0.04, p = 0.84), causing us to examine a marker that is related to oscillatory function. |
自由度および残差を F の下付きにして、さらに括弧をつける。参考に post-hoc test の部分も載せておく。
Two-way ANOVA with TRIAL (eight trials) and GROUP (two groups) as factors revealed an effect of TRIAL (F (7,182) = 26.79, p < 0.001) and GROUP (F(1,26) = 4.74, p < 0.04), and a tendency for a TRIAL x GROUP interaction ... 中略 ... Post hoc t test showed that subjects from the A1- group maintained the newly correct response longer than those from the A1+ group at all time points... |

Two-way ANOVA with TRIAL (eight trials) and GROUP (two groups) as factors revealed an effect of TRIAL (F (7,182) = 26.79, p < 0.001) and GROUP (F(1,26) = 4.74, p < 0.04), and a tendency for a TRIAL x GROUP interaction ... 中略 ... Post hoc t test showed that subjects from the A1- group maintained the newly correct response longer than those from the A1+ group at all time points... |